Innovation in Northern Ireland tradable services
Date published:
This page contains information and a report on innovation in NI tradable service firms. The report represents the first detailed examination of service sector innovation in Northern Ireland. It builds on information recently collected as part of the UK Innovation Survey 2005 and also presents a number of sectoral case studies of how innovation actually occurs in Northern Ireland service sector firms.
Innovation in Northern Ireland tradable services
Under the Research Agenda 2005-08, DETI commissioned InnovationLab to carry out research into ‘Innovation in Northern Ireland’s Tradable Services’ to improve the evidence base for policy development in the service sector. This research was carried out in two phases and the objectives for each phase are outlined below.
Phase 1 objectives:
Determine the extent of innovation in NI tradable service firms and how this compares both nationally and internationally;
Clarify the relationship between innovation and export sales; and
Provide an assessment of appropriate policy measures to stimulate innovation activity in the NI tradable services sector.
Phase 2 objectives:
Establish what determines innovation, exporting and productivity in Northern Ireland services.
The research reports and accompanying discussion paper are available to download below: