This consultation invites views on the future delivery of consumer representation in Northern Ireland.
- Future Arrangements for Consumer Representation in Northern Ireland
- Consumer Response document for consultees
- Review of the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland – Consultant’s report
- Addendum To Consultation Document And Review Report
- Future Arrangements for Consumer Representation in Northern Ireland - Equality Screening Form
- Analysis of Consultation Responses
- Consultation responses - volume 1
- Consultation responses - volume 2
- Consultation responses - volume 3
- Consultation responses - volume 4
- Consultation responses - volume 5
- Consultation responses - volume 6
- Consultation responses - volume 7
- Consultation responses - volume 8
- Consultation responses - volume 9
- Consultation responses - volume 10
- Minutes of public meetings
Consultation description
The Executive, in its 2011-15 budget, committed to undertake a review of Arm’s Length Bodies, to ensure Ministerial priorities and statutory commitments continue to be delivered in the most cost-effective manner.
The review of the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland and this consultation on the future delivery of consumer representation in Northern Ireland, is a continuation of this process of ensuring value for money in the use of public funds and the delivery of services to the Northern Ireland public.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.