Sectoral Partnership - Accounting
Employer-led Sectoral Partnerships (SP) operate across various sectors of the economy and are central to the development of apprenticeship frameworks from Level 2 to Level 8 to ensure they meet the current and future needs of industry in Northern Ireland.
The information below provides details about the Accounting Partnership, including membership and occupational areas.
Sectoral Partnership membership
The Accounting Sectoral Partnership members include:
- Accounting Technicians Ireland
- Southern Regional College – Michelle Reilly
- Invest NI
- McGrath Pattison
- KPS Chartered Accountants
- Moore NI
- BakerTillyMooneyMoore
- First Derivatives
- FinTru
- SP McKeown
- Irwin Donaghy Stockman
- AAB Accountants
Training Providers
- OU
- Department for the Economy*
- CCEA Regulation**
Occupational Areas
Occupational Areas available within currently level 2 and level 3 frameworks are:
- Accounting
- Bookkeeping
Apprenticeship Framework Reviews Ongoing
Future Planned Framework Reviews
Have your say
If you are an employer in an occupational area relevant to this SP, and currently hire apprentices or considering it, why not consider joining and having your say in the development of apprenticeship frameworks?
Alternatively, you can use the contact details below to get involved in the consultation of current, ongoing framework reviews.
Contact details
For queries regarding membership of this SP/ongoing framework reviews/future work of the SP please contact:
If you have any further queries regarding general Apprenticeship, Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) and Traineeship policy and development please contact:
*The Department for the Economy manages and funds the Sectoral Partnership programme and the framework reviews
**CCEA Regulation provides input and support throughout the process and is responsible for quality assurance and ensuring the qualifications are accredited