ESF Information Memo 14/21 - Launch of third call for applications to the NI European Social Fund (ESF) Programme 2014-2020
Information for project promoters to advise of the launch of the third call for application for the NI ESF programme 2014-2020.
Dear Project Promoter,

The Department for the Economy is the Managing Authority for the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014 - 2020. It is launching a third call to allocate grant assistance to projects for an initial 12 month period from April 2022. The European Commission part-funds this grant along with assistance from public authorities in Northern Ireland.
The programme aims to help people improve their lives by learning new skills, finding employment as well as promoting social inclusion and combating poverty and discrimination. Call 3 of the programme will target those individuals who are unemployed, including those long term unemployed or economically inactive. It will also focus on youth unemployment, disability and community family support.
Applications are welcomed from any organisations that can develop and deliver projects that represent value for money and through innovative targeted interventions.
Call 3 'application for funding' competition
The opening of the Call 3 Application for Funding Competition will commence at 10.00 am on 14 June 2021 and will close at noon on 9 July 2021. Information in relation to the NI ESF Programme is available on the department's website at: Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020. Application forms and the application guidance notes will also be available to download from the department’s website at 10.00am on 14 June 2021 using the same link. A completed application form and all requested additional documentation must be emailed to and received no later than noon on 9 July 2021.
ESF Call 3 information event
In advance of the opening of the Call 3 Application for Funding Competition, the department has organised a virtual information event to inform stakeholders about the application process. The information events will take place from 10am to 12pm on 8 June 2021 via Webex.
Please note that admission to the stakeholder information event will be restricted to two people per organisation, and only delegates who have registered in advance will be able to attend. Organisations are able to register online for this event at: ESF Call 3 information event registration