2169 publications
SIP 10 - proxy forms
This statement concerns the issuing of proxy forms.
SIP 12 - records of meetings in formal insolvency proceeding
This statement of insolvency practice concerns the keeping of records of meetings of creditors, committees of creditors, and members or contributories of companies in formal insolvency proceedings.
Dear IP letter 07
The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-The Insolvency (Amendment) Rules (NI) 1995The Insolvent Partnerships Order (NI) 1995
Dear IP letter 06
The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-notice to be given to the Official Receiver and the Department of Economic Development in individual voluntary arrangementslodgement of gross sale proceeds to the Insolvency Account following...
Dear IP letter 05
The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-requisitioning of dividend chequessubmission of monthly bordereaux under the Insolvency Practitioners (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1993additional categories of preferential debtsinterest earned on funds held under the Industrial...
Dear IP letter 04
The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-remuneration of liquidators and trusteesauthorisation of Insolvency Practitioners by the Department of Economic Development - JIEB examinationscompletion of Insolvency Account remittance forms (P50/L48)
Dear IP letter 03
The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-monies received by Insolvency Practitioners from the Department of Economic Development in respect of monies due to former employeessubmission of trustee's final account following annulment of bankruptcydestruction...
Dear IP letter 02
The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-applications made by Insolvency Practitioners to the Department of Economic Development in the Trustee/Liquidator Record Book (Form P1/L23)the submission of annual accounts to the Insolvency Service by...
Dear IP letter 01
The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-Insolvency Service structureThe Cheques Act 1992Notices to be advertised in Belfast Gazette or newspaper