Consultation on Transition from the NIRO to Contracts for Difference and Grace periods + Consultation Response

Consultation opened on 13 March 2015. Closing date 15 April 2015.


Consultation on Transition from the Northern Ireland Renewables Obligation to Contracts for Difference and Grace Periods

The consultation response was published on 20 August 2015.


Consultation description


This consultation sets out proposals for the operation of the NIRO during the period of transition to the new Contracts for Difference (CFD) support mechanism for large scale generation above 5MW.

Consultation Response

In March 2015, DETI published a 4 week consultation on proposed Transition from the Northern Ireland Renewables Obligation (NIRO) to Contracts for Difference (CFD) and Closure Grace Periods.

The NIRO will close to new generation and additional capacity of non-wind renewable technologies from 1 April 2017.  This document is the DETI Response to the consultation proposals related to NIRO closure grace periods for all non-wind renewable technologies and sets out the final decisions. A separate decision will be taken in respect of CFD transition in due course. 

The proposed changes will be adopted in a Renewables Obligation Closure Order which is intended to come into operation in Autumn 2015.


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