Skills and Employment

This page presents research which covers a wide range of issues around both the demand for and supply of skills in Northern Ireland. In addition to work carried out by the Department, it includes results from the Skills Barometer, surveys carried out by the former UK Commission for Employment and Skills, and reviews undertaken by the OECD.

Skills Barometer

Report providing a detailed understanding of the skill requirements for the Northern Ireland economy:

Sub-Regional Skills Barometer

Work Quality Indicators

Qualifications in Northern Ireland

Employer surveys

Published employer surveys are listed below:

Job posting trends

Sector Skills research

International skills assessments

Here is international research published on skills in Northern Ireland:

Skills and qualifications

Published projects concerning skills and qualifications are listed below:

Higher and further education

Published projects on higher and further education are found below:

Labour force participation

Publications on labour force participation are found below:

Futuretrack surveys

Ad hoc analysis

Publications on ad hoc analysis below:


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