The department commissions research projects to inform the implementation of its policies, programs and initiatives in regards to further education (FE).

FE Outcomes

In light of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Skills Strategy for NI recommendations about its content, coverage, timing, marketing and response rates, a review of the Survey of FE College Leavers is currently underway.

The goal for the review is to create and implement an up-to-date survey that aligns with DfE’s 10x economic vision. This would provide the department with critical information on the activity of leavers following their FE qualification and in turn would help frame careers advice, student choices, policy development and service delivery that align to 10x Economy. The new survey will be issued in February 2024 and findings published autumn 2024.

The initial stage of this review is to move the report to an HTML publication and accompanying dashboard. The new format publication has also been rebranded “FE Outcomes”.

Survey of FE college leavers

The department commissioned the FE leavers survey to provide information on the destination and potential benefits to individuals approximately six months after completing and achieving a regulated qualification at a FE college in Northern Ireland.

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